Research Grant from The Explorers Club

It was a great early morning Magelang!

Three days approaching PPAN selection. Me, was infatuated by all of the recent days newspaper on that time. Reading all the headline, scanning the news (what a lucky I red the aung san suu kyi part in detail! I answered the question from the interviewer completely!haha). And it was still 06.15 am when I was gonna forward an email from my gmail to my friend’s email address. I checked my gmail from my cellular phone.

*pick pick pick (me dialed the keypads on my cellular phone)
*ping! (loading to my gmail)

My gmail opened and I scrolled down to find the message I would forward to, but… wait! an email from Ms Annie Lee! Someone whom I sent my research proposal to, and that was actually a great good news. I got funding for my research from The Explorers Club!

Aaaaaa…Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar! It was in point of fact that The Merciful Allah gives us what we NEED instead of what we WANT 🙂 So, I thankful to The Explorers Club for awarding me the Youth Activity Fund for my project entitled Determination of Coral Community Structure as Basic Data for Marine Conservation Sites Establishment in Tanjung Benoa, Bali, Indonesia. InsyaAllah I will use the grant well as it is supposed to be. Im just very happy! yaaay! *dancing

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